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Old 11-25-2013, 10:04 AM
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Default Rhialto's Updates Megathread

Final Update on Wyvern - 11/24/2013

Originally Posted by Rhialto
Greetings Wyvern fans,
I've at long last completed a comprehensive (and expensive) legal review of Wyvern with some of the best lawyers in the state where I live. Thank you for your patience while this was taking place.
There is good news and bad news.
The bad news is that I do not own Wyvern -- not even a majority stake. And the other owners are unreachable, out of the country and nowhere to be found. This means I can't do anything with Wyvern itself, not even open-source it. The game is, for all practical purposes, dead.
I've been instructed by my lawyers that I'll need to make a new game. It can, of course, be inspired by Wyvern -- there is a long history of games that borrow ideas from each other. But it will have to be a different game. The more different, the better. And I won't be able to use any of the existing Wyvern technology or Cabochon-owned content, which includes the music (which makes me very sad!)
The good news is... well, there are several pieces of good news. See? It's not all bad!
One bit of good news is that the wizards own their content, so 95% of the content from Wyvern (maps, items and so on) doesn't actually belong to Cabochon, and should be reusable in the new game (if I can make the technology work). I am working with the Wizards to design the new game using their existing content.
Another bit of good news is that the courts have ruled that API compatibility does not violate copyright. So the new game will be able to host Wizard code (which they also own), including the code for quests, guilds, many spells, and a bunch of other stuff.
Finally, Wyvern's technology is actually so old that it's almost useless today anyway. Creating a new game is a much, much simpler proposition in today's environment, because a lot of the core technology that Wyvern had to invent is now readily available in the form of open-source libraries and public hosted services.
My new game will not be the same as Wyvern. I am legally obligated to create a new game. The existing player base will have to be wiped, and the underlying data model will change incompatibly anyway. I will not be able to reuse any of the music -- I am thinking of setting up a Kickstarter to start getting donations in the form of music and capital to get the business expenses covered.
The last bit of good news is that because it has to be a new game, there is plenty of room for new ideas! Anything you didn't like about the old game, we can look at changing. The more different this game is from Wyvern, the better.
I haven't yet picked a name for the new game, but as soon as I do, I'll set up a subreddit for it and you can mosey over there to start contributing ideas. I'll also be scouring this subreddit for ideas, as I know you've all posted a bunch of interesting discussions here.
Please be patient with me as I get this new game up and running. I have a ton of people who are willing to contribute to it, so the coding should go fast. But it's still a lot of work, so I'm not really expecting to have it available for general availability until next summer. I'm sure we'll have it open for limited trusted-tester previews before then.
I want you all to think of the new game as being heavily decentralized, unlike the Wyvern model which had centralized content and moderation. Think of it like Minecraft meets RPG meets reddit. I want people to be able to set up their own servers with their own rules, and federate them together (or block each other) as desired. I will consider any and all ideas here.
Put your thinking caps on!
I'll send an update once I've secured the registered trademark for the new game name.
Originally Posted by Rhialto
Not too different, though!
Think of it like Duke Nuke 'em and Doom. Or Rage and Borderlands. Or Minecraft and all its clones.
Clones are fine! It just can't be the same game.
Email Update - 7/29/2013

Originally Posted by Rhialto
Hi Bullfrogz,
Long story short: it's tied up in legal right now. I don't have full ownership of the game, and I'm working with IP lawyers to figure out what I can do. I can't even talk about it beyond that much. Feel free to share that with the players.
Wyvern Status Update - 05/27/2013

Hello all!
I have successfully finished moving into my new house. Probably the house I will live for the rest of my life, actually. It was a lot of work, to say the least. The whole thing had to be repainted and recarpeted, and walls torn out and repaired, and so on. It was a major project. We had contractors basically living in our house for about 6 weeks. (Like, they took up whole rooms with their paint cans and tools and stuff.)
Anyway. We're in. I'm settled. The last of the furniture is arriving on Tuesday. I have a place to work, and my computer is set up.
On the work front, I managed to get permission to join a special cut-rate program for Google employees running their own applications on Google's cloud. So I'm going to start working on getting the game server running on it next.
Getting the website up and running on Google App Engine is going to be a long process, so I'm not going to hold up the game server on it. I've already forgotten everything I know about the Python templating system I was porting it to before I started my move. I'm staring at the code now and it's all coming back, but it's going to be a slow process.
There are lots of advantages to putting the website on Google App Engine. Once it's actually there, it'll be incredibly stable. The site will come back up automatically whenever it goes down. I won't have to worry about it much. But it does involve rewriting every single page on the site. So it's a long project.
As far as the game server goes, there are a bunch of problems I need to figure out how to solve before I can get it running. Wyvern used to treat data and code the same: all the artwork, player data, etc. was all in the code directory. But for various reasons I can't do it that way anymore. So I need to rework the "backend" of the game to load its data files from somewhere else. Maybe Google Drive or Google Cloud Storage.
I would also prefer not to run MySQL anymore. I wasn't using it as a relational database. A NoSQL data store is all I need. And happily, Google offers one. All I use the database for (aside from backing up player data) is running the high-score list generator. I can do that with a mapreduce on a nosql store. So all that old crufty code can go away and be replaced with some nice clean new code. No more Perl!
There's other stuff to do. Character creation screen is a big one. And where to save the game logs. And how to distribute the client for download, and so on, and so on. But I'll start working on it now that I'm settled into my comfy home.
Still on track for a launch in Fall!
Weekly Update #4 -May 2013

Originally Posted by Rhialto
Hi folks,
I am MOVING to a new house. I have been in my old house (condo actually) for 8 years, since I started Google. My wife and I bought a new house closer to work and it finally closed escrow. We are starting to move this weekend.
Wish us luck!
Weekly Update #3 - May 2013

Originally Posted by Rhialto
I think this is #3, anyway. I'll number them from now on.
As you can see at the site[1] , I've uploaded a tiny bit of new content.
There's more than meets the eye here. I completely switched the site to use Python 2.7, webapp2 and Jinja2. In combination, these three offer a lot of the core functionality of Ruby on Rails.
So I've been painstakingly learning how each Ruby on Rails doohickey translates into the AppEngine/Jinja2 equivalent. I have it moooostly figured out now. But I had a whole bunch of tiny utility functions written in Ruby that need to be ported to the new framework.
The pace will accelerate as I finish porting all the utilities. The website has over 200 individual pages, and I'll need to rewrite the code in each one individually, but it'll get a little faster each time.
Plus I'm not going to be bringing back all the content right away. Everything to do with playing the game is worthless until the game is running again. So I may only need to port around 100 pages to get the site reasonably complete. It'll take a few weeks.
Edit: I know most of the links are broken. I don't need bug reports just yet. Once the site gets a bit more fleshed out, I'll ask for your help identifying bad links. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Rhialto
It's a good question. Several reasons:
I need to figure out Google App Engine first (for work reasons), and it's ideally suited for running the website, but not Wyvern itself.
I've had feedback from many players that they want to see something "real" as a sign of good faith that I'm really working on it. It's easier to do this with the website than the game.
As Albinoxmas points out, we need a website for signup and character creation, etc. as a prerequisite anyway.
As for the "pretty" details, all that stuff has been worked out already via stylesheets and javascript. I'm not messing with any of it. In order to get the basic content structure in place, I need to do template-porting work that brings the pretty stuff along automatically.
There's also the problem that Google Compute Engine (which will run the game) is really new. It only opened its doors to the public last week. If I wait a little while it will stabilize a bit, and the pricing may come down.
Hope that helps.

Last edited by Bullfrogz : 11-25-2013 at 11:17 AM.
Old 11-25-2013, 10:25 AM
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Status Update: Giving up on ruby JRuby on Rails

Originally Posted by Rhialto
The only instructions online appear to be these: http://olabini.com/blog/2009/04/jrub...le-app-engine/[1]
I tried following them, but basically every single step was a huge effort, since it didn't work exactly as he'd written it.
I'm going to port to Django. https://developers.google.com/appeng.../django-nonrel[2]
Looks like it is actually supported by the Google App Engine team, so I will be able to bug them directly if I have any problems.
I already know Python pretty well (heck, a good 1/4 of Wyvern is written in Python), so it should be straightforward. I'll try to get in an hour a day this week.
I'm relieved as I write this. JRoR was really, really painful. Django will be better, I'm sure of it.
EDIT: we have liftoff -- http://wyvern-web.appspot.com[3]
It'll take some time to get everything migrated over. Plus I can't remember what the website looked like right before it went down. That background image looks unfamiliar. Anyone have an archived screenshot of the last known version of the website?
Status Update: Trying to get the website running - 04/04/2013

Originally Posted by Rhialto
I spent 6 hours on the game last night. Kinda got nowhere, but I learned a lot.
My first goal was to get the website back up, on Google App Engine. The website is in Ruby on Rails. App Engine kinda semi sorta supports that with JRuby on Rails, but it's unofficial. And buggy. And slow. And all the documentation is pretty old. The App Engine team at Google told me that it's a bad idea, since it'll be slow.
The site is mostly static content. I was mostly using Rails as a simple way to have common header, footer and sidebars on each page. So it sort of doesn't matter that it's "slow" on App Engine, since it'll be fast enough. If I can get it loading at all, that is.
I'm going to try again each night and hopefully see progress by Sunday. If it just flat-out doesn't want to work, then I'll port the website to some other framework. Probably Python-based. Shouldn't really take that long, but I'd prefer to leave it in Rails for now.
I'll post again about the website on Sunday-ish. Wish me luck!

Greetings! - April 2013

Originally Posted by Rhialto
I am actively working on getting Wyvern up and running on Google's cloud platform. I will post updates to this subreddit periodically.
I also hope we can have lots of fun on this subreddit, especially with ideas around how we can improve the cloud-based version of the game.
There is a lot of work to do before we're ready to launch. I don't expect it to be ready to open the doors again until Fall. But it's in active development now, and we should have at least the website up and running in maybe a month.
In the meantime, tell everyone you know about this subreddit -- I'll be spending a lot of time here!

Last edited by Bullfrogz : 11-25-2013 at 11:11 AM.
Old 11-25-2013, 10:40 AM
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Design Threads

Wyvern Content Uploads

Originally Posted by Rhialto
I've been thinking about the problem of wizard content. In Old Wyvern, wizards got ftp accounts and uploaded their maps etc. to the game server, where they sat in the same filesystem as the source and other data. I would occasionally check in their content to source control.
This scheme had a lot of problems. Security was a big issue -- it's hard to get ftp to be secure. Also the wizard content was in this weird state where they owned it, but it was living on my servers. So I need to come up with another scheme.
Currently I'm leaning towards content creators hosting their content on a public website, and the game will HTTP fetch it on demand. Each wizard can have their own website. You can get a free website with Google App Engine. So all I need to do is make a Wyvern SDK that includes the Map Editor and an uploader that packs up your content and sends it to your App Engine site.
When you upload new maps (or new versions of existing maps), the game server will pick them up some time later. At first, maybe just when the server reboots.
If you think about it, this is almost the way the web itself works, except the game engine is the "browser". I think it will scale nicely. Most wizards shouldn't actually notice a big difference in their workflow, compared to the old way.
Server Clusters

Originally Posted by Rhialto
In the Olden Days, Wyvern just had a single server. It could support around 100 players at once, give or take, depending on what people were doing.
In the cloud, we have the ability to run multiple servers. At first, I plan for all the servers to have the same content. That's the easiest way to scale to thousands of simultaneous players. Someday we might support different "server classes" (imagine a sci-fi only server, or a server with worlds designed specifically for large characters, or whatever). But for now, they all get the same maps, so it doesn't matter what server you go to.
We want to support players adventuring with friends. So ideally you should be able to specify which server to connect to, which means we'll need an addressing scheme.
The simplest way to do it would be to number them, but that's boring. Instead I'm thinking of giving them names. For instance you could generate a lot of names by combining monster names and colors. Red Orc, Purple Shoggoth, etc. You could browse a list of active servers on the website, along with how many players are on each one. If one server starts to get laggy, you can migrate your group to another server, probably with a new group command.
It will still be possible for wizards to run special events like weddings, treasure hunts, boss fights, whatever. But they'll only be able to do it on one server at a time, at least in V1. So each event will support up to the max number of players per server -- say, 50 to 150, depending on how beefy the underlying machine happens to be that day.
I think PvP arenas will have to be homed on their own servers. They eat up a lot of CPU, which lags the game for everyone else.
All of this should be reasonably straightforward using the tools Google provides for administering classes of servers.
Rule Changes and Automatic Administration

Originally Posted by Rhialto
I want to make the game administration more automatic -- Wizards should focus on content creation and fixing problems for players, rather than disciplinary tasks. I'm going to approach this in several ways.
First, we're going to start allowing a lot of stuff that used to be against the rules. You will be able to share information on quests -- there will be no such thing as "cheating" on a quest. It'll be like anything else in life: people who want to solve it themselves, will. Others can collaborate. Some quests will be difficult enough that even if you know exactly how to solve them, it will still be a challenge. Others may change the success criteria programmatically each time the quest is solved. And some will just be old-hat quests that are only surprising for ****ies. In any event, collaboration will be explicitly allowed.
Another rule change will be around alts. You will be able to have as many alts as you can have characters, and they will be allowed to help each other. I don't know exactly how I am going to map characters to accounts, but there will be some sort of real-world authentication required.
Google Accounts (i.e. your gmail) are a bit problematic because they disallow accounts for people below a certain age. It varies by country, but it ranges from 13 to 16 years old. (13 in the U.S.) So I may try to support logins with OpenID or maybe even Facebook, if they permit you to be younger. But for abuse reasons, we want to tie your Wyvern characters to real-world accounts. Your identity won't be discoverable by other players in-game, of course, but administrators may have access to your real name.
Another rule change is that it's going to be perfectly legal to exploit balance problems in the game. For instance, if you find an unbalanced weapon and start racking up XP with it, we're not going to punish you. Instead, we're going to have a bounty for players to report these things -- you'll get a reward for your honesty.
And I'm going to use Google's fancy computation infrastructure to do careful monitoring of all the game activity. If the servers notice that certain items, maps, monsters or abilities are generating loot/XP too fast, (or maps are killing people too fast), then they'll be disabled automatically and flagged for manual review.
Of course, there will still be behaviors that can result in disciplinary actions -- harassing people, exploiting security vulnerabilities, and various other breaches of good taste and good sense. But for the most part, I am going to try to eliminate the manual refereeing involved in ensuring rule adherence.
I am still considering whether to allow giving items directly to other players. I am leaning towards allowing it, but am willing to hear other opinions. I will be making some tweaks so that hopefully it's a little harder to acquire tons of loot (unless you play a lot). My hope is that most people will prefer to sell items (to the shops or each other), most of the time.
Scaling Up Chat

We need to think about how communication works in Cloud Wyvern.
In principle, it would be possible to have thousands of players all shouting to everyone, across servers, but in practice it would be awful.
I think we're going to want to revamp Wyvern to take a more IRC-like approach. And I don't think we should necessarily limit the channels to players who are actually playing. It'd be nice if you could hang out with people in-game just by visiting the website and maybe logging in.
It may be possible to bridge Wyvern to actual IRC clients, though I worry that the APIs might not be in place yet, so I can't promise anything. Another option is to abandon Wyvern in-game chat altogether, and just have people use IRC in parallel. Would love to hear your thoughts here. It just feels like there are better solutions out there than what Wyvern offers today.
One feature that Wyvern supports, though you may not have realized it, is camera-lurking. Any wizard can see what's happening on your screen as you're playing. This feature is also used for viewing arena battles in the crystal balls in the taverns.
We could potentially use this feature to set up a channel viewer that sends streaming video off to the website. Then, for any players who opt in to public viewing, you would be able to see what they see just by watching on the website. Could be cool... maybe?
I don't feel like I've really solved the problem of scaling up chat to thousands of players, so I'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts here.

Last edited by Bullfrogz : 11-25-2013 at 11:18 AM.
Old 11-25-2013, 11:12 AM
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For those that are unaware, Rhialto has returned to providing us semi-regular updates about the return of Wyvern.

He frequents reddit.com/r/wyvernrpg, but for those that want one location for all the news I have been compiling everything at:


If anyone wants to paraphrase what he or I wrote to this thread, feel free, but I will continue compiling Wyvern news and updates there.

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Old 11-25-2013, 11:19 AM
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Old 11-25-2013, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Bullfrogz View Post
I want people to be able to set up their own servers with their own rules, and federate them together (or block each other) as desired. I will consider any and all ideas here.
Put your thinking caps on!
I can't say that I'm speaking for everyone else, but one thing I loved about this game was the idea of a player-base on a single server that scales up, with extra servers only when absolutely necessary. My favorite part of Wyvern is that everyone is on the same Hall of Fame, everyone can compete with everyone else in the PvP, and participate with one another on a LQ. Obviously, games can't scale up to an infinite degree, but there are games which support thousands of players on a single server with no problem. This is obviously an expensive ordeal -- many of these games have a "freemium" model that I hate -- but I have dealt with these systems when they were fair to players, with no ways to pay for equipment that takes a player who plays for free years to find only takes a single purchase, and some of these games had xp boost systems that I was fine with, since those who can play for a long time would, and those who had limited time could xp boost if they had a job preventing them from playing for a long time.
Long story short - I strongly dislike games which players can "host their own servers."
And then I wake up.
Old 11-25-2013, 03:26 PM
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I agree, while I don't think that wyvern should never get multiple servers. I think the idea of them all being independently run and moderated isn't a great idea. Yes everyone has idea's for what wyvern should be, but it was pushing all those ideas together that made it what it was. Not to mention, even at it's peak it never had an astounding number of players online, splitting up the playerbase to a half a dozen or more servers wouldn't really help the community feeling it had.
There's no harm in you being wrong, but when I'm wrong hundreds of people may end up in trouble......
Old 11-26-2013, 09:30 AM
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Right now Wyvern only has a handful of active players, yes, but part of Rhialto's plan was to release the game on a platform like Steam which could very well boost it's numbers.

As far as the problem with multiple servers go, I do not see the problem everyone has with it. If a group of friends want to host their own server, and say remove restrictions on money, levels, items, etc. and test out builds for fun, who are they hurting in doing so?

There could very well be a "main" server or two which are directly supported by the Wizards (or whatever the new administration is named) that get the updates first. I personally would still only play on the "main" server, but knowing that out there somewhere there's a group of people playing on another one wouldn't bother me, as it shouldn't.

Overall we do not know the official plan of how the multiple servers will work, and Rhialto as specifically said he is looking for feedback on all matters. The community has been very strong on the opinion of keeping a "main" server, which would be fantastic, but I do not see a reason why both can't coexist.
Old 11-26-2013, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Bullfrogz View Post
If a group of friends want to host their own server, and say remove restrictions on money, levels, items, etc. and test out builds for fun, who are they hurting in doing so?
They would be hurting those without the time and/or means for doing such. Testing out builds means they gain a significant advantage on the "main" server. That advantage would be almost like cheating, all players should be subject to the rules of the game, especially if there are repercussions for a failing build. There should be ways to do things just "for fun" in the context of the game, in a fair fashion to those who can't afford server costs or don't have a friend with the means of doing so.
There could eventually be a necessity for multiple servers, sure, but I'd rather have all servers run in a similar way to the "main" server, that way there could even be the possibility of "switching" the server a character is on, if a person or group realizes, say, several of their real life friends are playing on a different server. But I feel like that sort of thing would be something to consider far in the future.
I also feel lost when a giant list of servers appears on a game I'm playing. I never know which one to click on, whether it's better to play on a server that's "Almost full" or one that's "Empty" or some other cryptic enumeration scheme. Sometimes I get frustrated and just uninstall the game and never play it again; not that those games are bad, but hitting that wall without a little guidance can be daunting, especially when they call a server a "PvP" server, since I usually have no prior knowledge of their PvP model, (team-based, free for all, situational, etc.), or have other, similar labels that make no sense to me. The worst is when I play a game for a few hours on a server after a friend suggests a game, only to find out that I'm not on the same server.

Also, am I the only one who noticed this?
"And I won't be able to use any of the existing Wyvern technology or Cabochon-owned content, which includes the music (which makes me very sad!)"
"...One bit of good news is that the wizards own their content, so 95% of the content from Wyvern (maps, items and so on) doesn't actually belong to Cabochon, and should be reusable in the new game (if I can make the technology work)"

I'm not saying anything against this, it's just that the contradiction made me laugh.
And then I wake up.
Old 11-26-2013, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Nodlove View Post
They would be hurting those without the time and/or means for doing such. Testing out builds means they gain a significant advantage on the "main" server. That advantage would be almost like cheating, all players should be subject to the rules of the game, especially if there are repercussions for a failing build. There should be ways to do things just "for fun" in the context of the game, in a fair fashion to those who can't afford server costs or don't have a friend with the means of doing so.
There could eventually be a necessity for multiple servers, sure, but I'd rather have all servers run in a similar way to the "main" server, that way there could even be the possibility of "switching" the server a character is on, if a person or group realizes, say, several of their real life friends are playing on a different server. But I feel like that sort of thing would be something to consider far in the future.
I also feel lost when a giant list of servers appears on a game I'm playing. I never know which one to click on, whether it's better to play on a server that's "Almost full" or one that's "Empty" or some other cryptic enumeration scheme. Sometimes I get frustrated and just uninstall the game and never play it again; not that those games are bad, but hitting that wall without a little guidance can be daunting, especially when they call a server a "PvP" server, since I usually have no prior knowledge of their PvP model, (team-based, free for all, situational, etc.), or have other, similar labels that make no sense to me. The worst is when I play a game for a few hours on a server after a friend suggests a game, only to find out that I'm not on the same server.

Also, am I the only one who noticed this?
"And I won't be able to use any of the existing Wyvern technology or Cabochon-owned content, which includes the music (which makes me very sad!)"
"...One bit of good news is that the wizards own their content, so 95% of the content from Wyvern (maps, items and so on) doesn't actually belong to Cabochon, and should be reusable in the new game (if I can make the technology work)"

I'm not saying anything against this, it's just that the contradiction made me laugh.
I doubt Rhialto is talking about servers in the sense that you think. I believe he is talking about servers in the sense of Minecraft. For instance, I can host a Minecraft server on my PC that I play Minecraft on and have had 9 people online at once with zero lag. There is also the option to host a Minecraft server on a dedicated physical server instead of a PC and it can handle 100+ players at once depending on server specifications and game demand. I'm not a fan of this system and will probably not play it if it follows this model.

The technology bit is not a contradiction, try rereading it.
Old 11-27-2013, 11:16 AM
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I'm wondering about one thing - would any of the Wyvern wizards be interested in working on Rhialto's new game? (I know this is highly theoretical since who knows how long it will take till something playable exists)
Old 11-27-2013, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Vozka View Post
I'm wondering about one thing - would any of the Wyvern wizards be interested in working on Rhialto's new game? (I know this is highly theoretical since who knows how long it will take till something playable exists)
If what Rhialto says is true, he's likely already been in contact with the wizards here. The whole

"One bit of good news is that the wizards own their content, so 95% of the content from Wyvern (maps, items and so on) doesn't actually belong to Cabochon, and should be reusable in the new game (if I can make the technology work). I am working with the Wizards to design the new game using their existing content."
gave the impression that he at least has minor contact with them.
Old 12-21-2013, 02:30 PM
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"Guys, I'm going to get the game up by the end of the year. Did I say this year? I meant next year. No, not that one, the one after that. Actually, you know what? I was moving all this time. Also, I've been in a legal battle all this time, didn't you know? I don't even own the game I've been running for all these years, I think I'm going to have to make a new one, as in, not Wyvern. It'll be done by next year. Oh, did I say next year? I meant the one after that. No, not that one either, the one after. Moving again for three months! And another legal battle... Oh, wait, I don't own the new game I have been working on because I'm using content based on the old game, so guess what, I'm going to have to make yet another NEW GAME. This one should be done around Christmas 2060. Let your grandkids know it's going to be a great game!"


Disclaimer: The above quote was fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only. Any similarities to persons or events, real or fictional, are purely coincidental. I do not own the content of that quote, and I'm going to go into a legal battle over the next 3 years over whether I own the content of that quote, but don't worry, you can read it eventually.
And then I wake up.

Last edited by Nodlove : 12-21-2013 at 02:32 PM.
Old 06-28-2016, 11:06 AM
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Bullfrogz Bullfrogz is offline

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Bullfrogz has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower
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For those that are unaware, Rhialto has returned to providing us semi-regular updates about the return of Wyvern.

He frequents reddit.com/r/wyvernrpg, but for those that want one location for all the news I have been compiling everything at:


If anyone wants to paraphrase what he or I wrote to this thread, feel free, but I will continue compiling Wyvern news and updates there.

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