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Old 05-20-2013, 07:59 PM
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Brionac Brionac is offline

Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: East Coast
Brionac has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

1:New Verden? Dunno if I need to be more specific
2: Almien..
3: Coran zifo shop
4: New verden auction house
5: This one is really throwing me off, if I had to guess i'd say somewhere inside the Isle of Maiyne? (Blanking on how to spell that)
6: I'm thinking its on the way to halfling town.. >.> Cant remember how to spell name of it.
7: Minath Auction house
8: Vesimas castle throne room
9: Casino Prize room?
10: Kings road?
11: Black Rose throne room
12: Adventurers Guild

I feel like that is the closest I can get without hints or waiting for others to reply. My memory seems to fail me.