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Old 06-08-2008, 03:59 PM
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Crier Crier is offline

Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: I live in a nice and soft padded room.
Crier has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower
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I'm going to post my aliases and my autobags, so it will be rather long (I deleted the ones you don't need to know):
1 = cast slow
4 = apply portable hole
5 = cast cure blindness; cast dispel confusion; cast dispel fear; cast dispel paralysis; cast dispel slow
6 = get horn from unih; apply horn 2; put horn 2 in unih
b = buy brav
backspace = apply
ctrl.f = sell all
ctrl.r = drop all
d = grow
dispel = get scroll from dispel; read dispel 2
e = cast teleport
elf = put elf 2 in loot; put dagger in loot;put bow in loot; put leather armor in loot; put spear in loot; put arrow in loot;
f = get 1 pot from pot; drink poti
f10 = repair all
f11 = sell all
f12 = uncurse all
f6 = loot scroll
f8 = loot corpse; loot corpse 2; loot corpse 3; loot corpse 4; loot corpse 5; loot corpse 6
f9 = drop all
gt = grouptell
j.y = unwield diamond axe; wield pole
k = drop 1 silver
m = buy mana
muffs = earmuffs
pk = pktell
q = get 1 mana from manbag; drink mana
r = get 1 pot from full; drink full 2; drink elixi 2
s = shrink
shift.1 = mapwho; where
shift.2 = where; apply hour
shift.3 = axewho
shift.4 = pkwho
shift.5 = who
shift.6 = list fancy; list robe; list jaunty; list sand; list crown
shift.a = get diamond from axe; wield diamond
shift.b = get bravery from brav; drink braver
shift.c = get scroll from dispel; read scroll 2
shift.d = put dispel 2 in dispel
shift.f = get free from free; drink free 2
shift.h = appraise wielded
shift.n = autograb none
shift.o = put cloak 2 in loot3; put broad in loot3; put battle in loot3; put boots 2 in loot3; put helm 2 in loot3; put plate 2 in loot3; put chain in loot3; put sword in loot3; put robe in loot3
shift.p = put bravery in brav; put stren 2 in stren; put clover in reag; put free action in freea
shift.s = get strength from streng; drink strength 2

1. auction
2. garbage
3. magic
4. amor
5. weapons
6. gems
7. pots
8. reagents

Autobag Rule: auction
Bags to add to: "auction", "sell", "sell 2"
name LIKE "offered"

Autobag Rule: garbage
Bags to add to: "drop item"
(name LIKE "bit of fur") OR (name LIKE "rock") OR ((name LIKE "bone") AND (NOT name LIKE "bone shield") AND (NOT name LIKE "bone key") AND (NOT name LIKE "dwarven-bone axe"))

Autobag Rule: magic
Bags to add to: "loot1", "loot2"
(name LIKE "spellbook") OR (name LIKE "scroll") OR (name LIKE "rod") OR (name LIKE "wand") OR (name LIKE "ring") OR (name LIKE "amulet")

Autobag Rule: amor
Bags to add to: "loot3", "loot4"
(name LIKE "boots") OR (name LIKE "gloves") OR (name LIKE "helm")

Autobag Rule: weapons
Bags to add to: "loot3"
TYPE IS "weapon"

Autobag Rule: gems
Bags to add to: "loot5"
TYPE IS "gemstone"

Autobag Rule: pots
Bags to add to: "loot5"
TYPE IS "potion"

Autobag Rule: reagents
Bags to add to: "loot5"
TYPE IS "reagent"

With all of these autobags the only thing I have a problem with is the armor one, and the way to fix that would to be name all types of armor.

All the aliases I have for loot and what not are mostly shift+ aliases so they don't get in the way of other aliases, and it works well for me atleast.

Sorry for the super long post....
"Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and in an increasingly powerful private sector will pile the records high with reasons why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order [...] and the like." - Justice William O. Douglas

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security would deserve neither and lose both." -Benjamin Franklin