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Old 11-26-2013, 07:13 PM
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Dracco has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

Originally Posted by Nodlove View Post
They would be hurting those without the time and/or means for doing such. Testing out builds means they gain a significant advantage on the "main" server. That advantage would be almost like cheating, all players should be subject to the rules of the game, especially if there are repercussions for a failing build. There should be ways to do things just "for fun" in the context of the game, in a fair fashion to those who can't afford server costs or don't have a friend with the means of doing so.
There could eventually be a necessity for multiple servers, sure, but I'd rather have all servers run in a similar way to the "main" server, that way there could even be the possibility of "switching" the server a character is on, if a person or group realizes, say, several of their real life friends are playing on a different server. But I feel like that sort of thing would be something to consider far in the future.
I also feel lost when a giant list of servers appears on a game I'm playing. I never know which one to click on, whether it's better to play on a server that's "Almost full" or one that's "Empty" or some other cryptic enumeration scheme. Sometimes I get frustrated and just uninstall the game and never play it again; not that those games are bad, but hitting that wall without a little guidance can be daunting, especially when they call a server a "PvP" server, since I usually have no prior knowledge of their PvP model, (team-based, free for all, situational, etc.), or have other, similar labels that make no sense to me. The worst is when I play a game for a few hours on a server after a friend suggests a game, only to find out that I'm not on the same server.

Also, am I the only one who noticed this?
"And I won't be able to use any of the existing Wyvern technology or Cabochon-owned content, which includes the music (which makes me very sad!)"
"...One bit of good news is that the wizards own their content, so 95% of the content from Wyvern (maps, items and so on) doesn't actually belong to Cabochon, and should be reusable in the new game (if I can make the technology work)"

I'm not saying anything against this, it's just that the contradiction made me laugh.
I doubt Rhialto is talking about servers in the sense that you think. I believe he is talking about servers in the sense of Minecraft. For instance, I can host a Minecraft server on my PC that I play Minecraft on and have had 9 people online at once with zero lag. There is also the option to host a Minecraft server on a dedicated physical server instead of a PC and it can handle 100+ players at once depending on server specifications and game demand. I'm not a fan of this system and will probably not play it if it follows this model.

The technology bit is not a contradiction, try rereading it.