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Old 04-30-2011, 11:06 AM
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Teshuvah Teshuvah is offline

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Teshuvah has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Did it get bad? Although it sounded like it might be good, I just can't take watching things on a broadcasting schedule and so more often than not I force myself to wait until a series ends so I can view it all at once. It's less of a disappointment when it doesn't end properly and less of a time investment for something that ends up not being that good. Anyway, I was trying to figure out if I should do that with Game of Thrones or not - I almost broke down a few times, but if it got weird, I'll definitely wait.
Yeah wait, if you bother at all. It got extremely cut. Won't go into details due to the inappropriate nature but lets just say the took what was integral for the story and turned it into taundry scenes with no story value unless you read the book to understand what was supposed to happen.
What is the point of doing a whole book per season if you have to cut out this much stuff? *shakes head* Shoulda just made a 2 hour movie that we all would have ignored.
So they kept in what would keep viewers titalated and cut out why that stuff was happening in the first place....
They added things, removed things etc. Making things appear much different than the book etc.
Aged characters....left out everything about Brans visions while unconsious.. I could go on and on..
The maestr's chains are wrong......
*Shakes head* and thats just the second episode.
Totally shocked me after the authors promises.