Thread: Human Pally
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Old 04-30-2012, 06:32 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2009
bullsaxe has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

Alright I appreciate the feedback, I took the time to read all you had to say and while appreciative I am, I'm also slightly disappointed.

My goal as a pally was to go through an rd not even worrying about what's going to be below because I could truck through it, but now I'm realizing in order for that to be a reality I need a full plat set, d pro ammy, omni resist rings, and a lot of money invested into self resists. All this, especially going into the game after this long break is going to be frustrating :/. As it was my only real means of making money was going through a RD and finding pretties to sell back to vendors with 5 merch, slowly but surely over a month I could afford 1 plat helm :/. So this is going to be tough. Not to mention the gem blades X_x.

On a side note I have an opinionated question; I converted because I feel that mage's fall off late game, they shine the best mid-midlate-earlylate but after that they don't even scale compared to fighter's since if you'd want to beat a mage you buy a potion and that reduces their damage so dramatically they arn't viably efficient late game. This is just my opinion. Thoughts?

P.S. I got more replies than I was hoping for glad to see the community is still committed to the game (Y).
What I have done hasn't succesfuly been done by myself.