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Old 04-03-2012, 02:20 PM
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pruflas pruflas is offline

Join Date: Sep 2010
pruflas has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

"See you all there," says Pruflas as he wipes the dust off his old equipment trunk. The smell of a thousand battles wafts out of the box, nostalgia filling his body and mind. The massive diamond sword is still as balanced as the day it was born into this world and the jaunty cap still has its perfectly formed feather. With a heavy sigh Pruflas pulls out his cloth armaments that made him a blur to the enemy and suits up. As he grabs the last of his things he walks out onto the Bifrost, merely whispering "One more time, my more time."

Vanzan, Arisu, Ignignok, Nightswift, Bullfrogz, Xa, Vikki...Let's do this.