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Old 12-12-2013, 01:54 AM
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Morgus Morgus is offline

Join Date: Sep 2007
Morgus has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

Small, seemingly trivial accomplishments felt like important milestones to me back in the day. I was still using dial-up (atrocious lag), and I wasn't that bright. So being able to complete Mist Temple and join the Monks Guild was cause for celebration for me. But it couldn't compare to finally getting Morgus to HoF in 2004 (or was it 2005?). In retrospect, I had only been playing for little over a year, but time seemed to pass much more slowly during those awkward adolescent years.

Honorable mentions include tanking hit after hit in BRMA with my seemingly endless supply of clovers (before the heal nerf), and finding +10 agility jaunty caps in random stores.