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Old 05-16-2013, 12:08 PM
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Frosten Frosten is offline

Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: United States
Frosten has just set foot in the Tutorial Tower

Originally Posted by Contrare View Post
Silly, Silly Players! R has always worked on his own schedule and I don't remember any time estimate he provided being anywhere near accurate. But neither do the rest of us: I mentioned making a video of me playing Wyvern...which I did, but haven't had the inclination to edit it and post it.

As to bug fixes: There is only one bug that would prevent the server from being put up and it is in the client and is a java 1.6 incompatibility.

As to actually putting up in the google app server: Requires a complete rewrite of the core server pieces. Read weeks of solid work @ best 20% time = months and then fact R time estimates...

How about a nice game of tic-tac-toe?

We. Need. You.

Contrare for Core Developer
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." - Steve Prefontaine

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